Eligibility Criteria for NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides crucial support for Australians living with a disability, but not everyone qualifies automatically. For individuals and families considering NDIS support, it’s essential to understand the eligibility requirements before starting the application process. From age and residency to the type and impact of disability, the NDIS has clear criteria to determine who can access its services. In this post, we’ll outline these key eligibility factors to help you assess whether the NDIS could be the right path for you or your loved one.

Criteria for NDIS

1. Age Requirement

The applicant must be under 65 years old when they apply for the NDIS. If they turn 65 after joining, they can remain a participant or transition to aged care services. If your child is younger than 9 years old they have the early childhood approach.

2. Residency Status

To be eligible, the person must be an Australian citizen, hold a Permanent Visa, or have a Protected Special Category Visa (for New Zealand citizens living in Australia).

3. Disability or Early Intervention Needs

Permanent and Significant Disability: The person must have a permanent disability that significantly impacts their ability to take part in daily activities. Examples include intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive, or psychosocial disabilities.

Early Intervention Requirement: This criterion is for individuals with a condition likely to become more severe if early support isn’t provided. Early intervention is especially emphasised for children with developmental delays and those with degenerative conditions.

4. Functional Impact

Eligibility also depends on how the disability affects functional capacity. Areas considered include mobility, communication, social interaction, learning, self-care, and self-management. The NDIS assesses if the person needs support across these areas.

5. Accessing the NDIS

Individuals can apply by completing a NDIS Access Request Form from the NDIS website: https://www.ndis.gov.au/applying-access-ndis/how-apply or contacting your local NDIS Office or Local NDIS Partner.

Support for Your NDIS Plan Management Needs

Understanding the NDIS can be complex, but once your plan is approved, Pacific Plan Management is here to support you every step of the way. We specialise in helping you manage your NDIS funding so you can focus on your goals without the stress of financial management. From processing invoices to budgeting for support services, our experienced team ensures your plan works for you.

If you’re ready to make the most of your NDIS plan, reach out to Pacific Plan Management today. Let us help you enjoy seamless plan management and maximise your funding to suit your unique needs.


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