Free NDIS Provider Invoice Template

Finding the right NDIS invoice template can be challenging. It’s crucial to follow best practices when invoicing to ensure prompt and accurate payments.

Through our work with numerous NDIS providers, we understand the frustrations of manually invoicing services, especially for those new to the industry. To help streamline the process, we've created a helpful guide along with our FREE NDIS Provider Invoice Template designed to make invoicing faster and more efficient.

What a NDIS Invoice Should Include

At its core, a NDIS invoice is like any other invoice, but with a few key differences. Our template provides a clear example, highlighting the essential fields and requirements as specified by the NDIA:

Our NDIS Invoice Template has specific requirements that need to be included when invoicing.

1.Your Business Name & Logo

2.Your Contact Information

3. Your ABN (Australian Business Number)

4. Date of Invoice (when issued)

5. Unique Numbering of Invoices Issued

6. The Plan Manager’s Contact Information (we have prefilled this for you with our details)

7. The Participant’s Contact Information

8. The Participant’s Reference Number/NDIS Number

9. Support Item Number and/or Description of Support with Service Delivery Dates/Times

10. Quantity of Services Provided in Hours

11. Pricing Unit/Rate

12. Amount per service

13. Goods & Services Tax (If Applicable)

14. Total Invoice Amount

While your invoice format might vary depending on the software or layout you use, the critical aspect is ensuring all necessary information is accurately presented.

Final Checks Before Sending Your Invoice

Before submitting your invoice to a participant’s plan manager, take the time to double-check that all the details are correct. It’s far simpler to get it right the first time than to correct issues later. With our NDIS Invoice Template, you’ll have everything you need to send your documents confidently to us for a faster payment process.